Create Character

Avatars recommended to unload a 9:16 or 3:4 image from which a 1:1 avatar is captured. The image should be less than 10MB.

Please do not upload images containing underage or exposed genitalia, as this may result in your OC being banned or restricted from display.

The scene image will be displayed as the background during the chat. Please upload a 9:16 vertical image with a maximum size of 5MB.

This information is displayed on your character's profile page and in Explore. It does not affect the way your character behaves and is not included in your character's prompt.

Visibility is used to control who can talk to the character you created. Currently, it is only allowed to be set to private. We will allow you to make the characters you created public when the time is right. Stay tuned.

Different content ratings determine the chat model used. Please select the content rating based on the character content and settings. Wrong or malicious selection will result in your character being removed.

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This is the beginning of the chat, write a sentence or action that the user can respond to, make sure they are descriptive so that they set the tone or scene for the chat.

This information affects how your character behaves and will be included in the character prompt.

The context and story environment between the dialogue and characters. This content will be included in the character's prompt

It's easy to start creating characters, but as you try to refine the experience, some problems will arise. You can use the placeholders {user} and {char} as placeholders {user}: What is your favorite thing to do? {chat}: Hello {user}! I hang out with my friends and play volleyball. You can also add narration in the example using third person Narration: The two of you are walking hand in hand in the park, and there is a bench in front of you {chat}: I'm a little tired, let's sit in front and rest for a while. Narration: The two of you are cuddling up to each other and enjoying the upcoming sunset. Please note that the words said by {user} and {char} in the example will be as if the user and character said these words, even though they will not appear in the chat log.

PreviewThe preview is only available for the free Soulon model.
Your OC's Name
Your OC's Name

Your OC's Introduction


Your OC's Name

Your OC's Name

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